Zoetic is from the Greek ‘zoe’ meaning ‘of or relating to life, vital : Zoetic Pilates aims to do just that, by giving you more strength, flexibility and mobility to enjoy a more fulfilling, active life with more vitality!

Based in Oundle, Northamptonshire, Zoetic provides Pilates Classes and One to One Pilates Tuition led by Chris Thompson, a qualified Body Control Pilates® teacher.

Pilates is a good work out for everyone, but it isn’t JUST to look good, it is for your health too. Zoetic Pilates teaches you proven exercises which target the deep postural muscles, to build strength from the inside out – specific problem areas can be addressed.

Chris Thompson

Chris Thompson Teacher

Body Control Pilates Certified

  • Build strength without adding bulk. Then balance that strength with flexibility.

    T2 Pilates
  • Safe and enjoyable way to exercise for men and women of all ages and fitness levels

  • In ten sessions you’ll feel the difference, in twenty you’ll see the difference, and in thirty you’ll have a new body



What makes Pilates unique is that it is based on a deep understanding of how the skeletal and muscular framework of the body works.


Complete beginners
Sports Fitness
Health Recovery


Regain natural, normal movement
Improve joint mobility
Restore good postural alignment
Improve core stability
Strengthen your back


Let Zoetic Pilates take you on a journey where as your body gains strength through practice and repetition, you will learn to focus mentally and perform increasingly more difficult moves from the acclaimed Body Control Pilates® repertoire.

  • Very clear instruction and careful observation that exercises are being carried out correctly. I have been working on exercises I can remember in between classes and already feeling good results. Venue is lovely as the hall has recently been renovated and is warm. Chris inspires her clients to want to do their very best!  ( G.F.)

    G.F. G.F.
  • I haven't been to Zoetic Pilates before Chris began these classes, but now I am hooked! It's fun but serious as well, as we make our bodies work to get stronger and more supple!! Definitely to be continued!  ( M.J-D.)

    M.J-D. M.J-D.
  • I have just come back from my first class and I loved it! Chris was great at teaching the technique whilst making it fun. Looking forward to next week already.  ( M.D.)

    M.D. M.D.
  • Chris's knowledge and ability to demonstrate clearly the exercises that make up an effective Pilates session are second to none. I joined the men's class with a little trepidation but a lot of back pain. I was welcomed immediately into the class, there were no heirs or graces just a shared sense of camaraderie and the odd creak, click and groan! Within weeks I was able to manage my posture, control and breathing, removing any back pain. Eighteen months on and my core is strong, my balance is under control and I have flexibility not felt since I was a teenager. I can't recommend Chris's classes enough. If you know you need to do something about your aching body but don't know where to start contact Chris and within weeks you'll feel the benefit. ( Mr M - July 2018)

    Mr M
  • "The "Boys" classes on Thursdays are a highlight of the week. Chris' enthusiasm, patience and expert teaching is really helping my creaking joints to move freely again. It is also great fun and a relaxing atmosphere after a long day ( Mr.I.)

    Mr.I. Mr.I.
  • I would not like to be without Chris's classes. In my mid sixties having attended for a couple of years I know that I am stronger, I am more aware of my posture and I have lost little niggly problems in my arm and shoulder. I always joke that I need another turn of my scarf now in cold weather - instead of hunching into my shoulders I walk with my head up "lengthening up through the spine" and I feel much the better for it! The venue is warm and clean, and Chris is most particular about the cleanliness and suitability of the kit.  The classes are calm, and focused, never pressured and always encouraging, even if I can't always do everything to the highest level. We all feel gently challenged to improve on our own performance but never in comparison to others - in fact I am usually concentrating so hard I'm not really aware of what the others are doing. Chris knows our personal idiosyncrasies and offers alternatives if an exercise is not suitable for a particular individual, but she manages not to make us feel singled out. I have never come away feeling other than energised and enthusiastic. The classes are well planned, with enough familiar exercises for us to feel comfortable, but there are always new ones or a different extension to an old favourite to keep us (sometimes literally) 'on our toes'. ( E.P.)

    E.P. E.P.
  • Have only been doing Pilates with Chris for 4 weeks, but I am impressed by how she is able to have several students with different problems and have them all doing exercises that are right for them.  So far, I feel great the day after my class and only wish I could remember the exercises to do at home.  Hopefully that will come with time. ( J.F.)

    J.F. J.F.
