The Body Control Pilates Association (BCPA) is Europe’s largest professional Pilates body and as a qualified member of this association Zoetic Pilates undertakes annual development programmes to continue to improve and develop knowledge, skills and education.

Adapted from the classical exercises developed by Joseph Pilates, The Body Control Pilates Method’s aim is to build strength and flexibility without adding bulk. Many of the classical Joseph Pilates exercises can be unsuitable for the average person and average body. In order to work safely and effectively to gain full benefits, the classical exercises have been adapted to establish good movement skills and to build the best possible foundation upon which to progress towards the classical, more advanced work. For more information on Body Control, visit

Our mission has been to bring the benefits of Pilates to everyone. To this end, we have created a method that is effective, safe and challenging: a method that is taught by teachers with unrivalled skills, knowledge and integrity.

Lynne Robinson Co Founder of Body Control Pilates®

Chris Thompson Chris Thompson

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